We have all seen it. A job requirement calling for executive presence. Being seen as a leader seems as important as actually being one. Projecting confidence, decisiveness, poise, how we speak and even look.
Unfortunately women and minorities struggle more to earn the badge of executive presence, mostly because historically the “standard” has been set by white men. Women also often find executive presence contradictory.
So after a review of a number of articles on this topic, here are 3 universal tips for how to authentically build and exude executive presence.
1. Articulate a clear vision. Your ability to inspire will be underlined by the ability to communicate what you are working to achieve.
2. Build real and diverse relationships. Your ability to influence will be rooted in working through difference in opinions; working to create a close network not only earns you votes, it demonstrates your focus on people.
3. Be self-aware. Know how people perceive you. You don’t need to fit every mold, but self-awareness will allow you to focus on your strengths, to work through your weaknesses, and most importantly to be consistent with your brand.
And across these be sure to be you. When you think of a great leader there is usually that one thing. Either the passion, or the way she/he communicates or her/his ability to drive action. What is YOUR one thing?
What an executive looks like is different today. So let’s revisit what executive presence means.
What does executive presence mean to you?
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